
The Body Adapts

The Body Adapts

If there is one thing that humans are really good at, it’s adaptation. We are certainly not unique in our abil­ity to adapt to our environment compared to living organisms, but we might be the best at it. We’ve kind of mastered it. Our ability to adapt has landed us at the top of the hierarchy, quite literally able to live and thrive almost anywhere on this planet. Where we can’t adapt, we employ a neat trick called consciousness and intellect to shape and tame our environment, which expands our adaptability beyond our own intrinsic qualities.

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A long journey

A long journey

If you aren’t aware, my mom started Pathways to Family Wellness magazine in 2004 because she was frustrated with all of the magazines in the waiting room of her home office. You see as a chiropractor she believed that the body is intelligent and symptoms were not to be suppressed but rather appreciated for what they are, your body trying to adapt to a stressor. Why would you want to surprise that?

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Why Chiropractic Care for Children
Family Wellness Lifestyle Justin Ohm Family Wellness Lifestyle Justin Ohm

Why Chiropractic Care for Children

More and more parents are seeking chiropractic care for their children.Many spinal problems seen in adults began as early as birth. Even so called 'natural' birthing methods can stress an infant's spine and developing nerve system. The resulting irritation to the nerve system caused by spinal and cranial misalignment can be the cause of many newborn health complaints.

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